One of the most effective ways to save on office space rental is by using shared amenities. It includes reception services, conference rooms and IT infrastructure. Many cities and regions have economic development zones with low-interest loans and tax abatements for new businesses. These programs can pay off big time for startup companies looking to cut costs.


One of the best ways to save money on office space rental Quincy MA, is by subleasing a portion of an existing commercial property. It is an option that can be particularly useful for companies whose business needs are in flux. If you plan to sublease a space, carefully review the original lease and any potential sublease terms before signing. Having an attorney revisit the contract is also a good idea to ensure you understand all the details.

Sublessors often charge below-market rates to recoup their expenses, which can be an excellent way to cut costs on your office space rental. However, it’s important to remember that you’ll be sharing space with another company, which can lead to noise and foot traffic issues. One way to mitigate these issues is by offering to share services with the sublessor, such as photocopying and other office supplies. It can lower expenses and raise general productivity.

Negotiating Incentives

Taking on a lease for office space can be expensive, especially if you’re still determining how much you’ll need to expand. Fortunately, you can often find cheaper alternatives to traditional leasing, like serviced offices and coworking spaces. The first step to finding your team’s right offsite workspace is doing market research. It will help you understand the range of leasing options and identify a competitive leasing solution. Be sure to compare costs by “all-in,” including rent, insurance, utilities, telecommunications services, and other common area fees. Experienced tenants know that their total effective rent indicates a space’s value more than the face or advertised rent.

During negotiations, determine whether the Tenant Improvement Allowance is “gross” or “net.” Gross allowances cover all expenses, while net allowances assign a maximum for materials and labor, leaving permit responsibilities to the tenant. Negotiating these terms could mean saving thousands of dollars on your office build-out.

Negotiating Lease Terms

When negotiating with landlords and property managers, it’s important to remember that lease terms are often negotiable. While some lease terms, such as the rental rate or security deposit amount, are considered non-negotiable, many other parts of a commercial real estate lease are open to negotiation. For example, determine whether a potential landlord offers a “gross” or “net” allowance for tenant improvement expenses. Gross allowances typically cover all costs, while net allowances only include a fixed dollar amount for materials and labor, with permit responsibilities falling on the tenant.

Similarly, negotiate whether utilities are included in the rent or charged separately. If the landlord charges utilities separately, consider requesting separate utility meters for your office space, which can result in cost savings compared to shared bills with other tenants. Also, be sure to negotiate for a lease term that accommodates your business’s anticipated growth. Changing your space during the middle of a lease can come with significant penalties, so be sure to ask for an option to renew or amend your lease term as needed.


Whether you want to economize by moving into a smaller home or opt for a less expensive car, streamlining your life can reduce expenses and free up space. Similarly, businesses may choose to downsize by eliminating unnecessary positions. It can reduce overhead costs and improve profitability. It can be done in various ways, including freezing the hiring process, offering early retirement packages or payouts for unused vacation time, or through natural attrition. It can disrupt the company, so companies need to be professional when handling downsizing.

Forecasting growth is another way to avoid oversizing by ensuring that there will be enough room for future expansion. For example, if your company is considering purchasing a new property, you can confirm it will have adequate room for growth by accurately predicting the space you need. It can help you negotiate a better deal with the landlord.

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